Health Concept


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The sports bioactive complex enhances endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system, burns fat, increases muscle growth, and boosts muscle anabolism by 200%.

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Sport: Bioactive Complex

Our unusual and innovative extraction methods have made it possible for us to penetrate the very cell of a plant and extract the full composition of its active ingredients in a form that can be easily assimilated by the human body.

As A Result, Our Products Have:

  • Increased concentration of active ingredients
  • Higher rate of uptake of the benefits by the body
  • Enhanced healing effect

Benefits And Proven Effects:

  • Increases strength, endurance
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Burns fat and increases muscle growth
  • Promotes rapid recovery after training
  • Removes lactic acid
  • Increases muscle anabolism by 200%
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Gives energy and greatly invigorates
  • Strengthens the immune system and activates the body's defenses

The product is entirely natural, brings a lot of benefits to the body. Its effectiveness is equivalent to anabolic steroid drugs.

Ingredients And Effects Of Each Component:

  • Maral Root
    • Stimulates protein synthesis, increases strength and endurance
    • Enhances the flow of protein into the muscles
    • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
    • Increases the adaptive abilities of the myocardium and supports liver function
    • Increases muscle anabolism by 200%
  • Chinese Magnolia Vine
    • Stimulates the nervous system
    • Relieves fatigue, improves overall performance
    • Gives energy and cheerfulness
    • Improves heart function
    • Removes lactic acid from the muscles
    • Increases the intensity and duration of training
    • Prevents pain syndrome after exercise and promotes rapid recovery
    • Being an adaptogen, it activates the immune system, increases the body's resistance
  • Eleutherococcus
    • Increases overall activity, reduces fatigue and exhaustion
    • Increases physical and mental performance
    • Increases concentration and cognitive processing
    • Supports the immune system and protects against stress
    • Promotes the formation of endorphins that improve mood
    • Stimulates metabolism and fat burning
  • Green Coffee
    • A source of organic acids and vitamins
    • Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar levels
    • Is the strongest antioxidant
  • Green Tea
    • Serves as a source of vitamins, mineral salts, antioxidants
    • It has a diuretic and astringent effect, helps to relieve swelling and get rid of excess fluid
    • Accelerates regeneration processes in case of injuries
    • Reduces cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels
    • Tones the nervous system, increases concentration and focus
  • White Willow
    • Relieves pain and inflammation in muscles and ligaments
    • Normalizes blood composition, has an antiseptic and immune-boosting effect
  • Ginkgo Biloba
    • Improves blood circulation in the brain, stimulates the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain
    • Improves concentration and memory
    • Prevents the formation of blood clots and strengthens the walls of blood vessels
    • Supports the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, increases endurance
  • Chilli
    • Increases the effectiveness of strength training
    • Activates thermogenesis in body tissues
    • Causes excitation of the sympathetic nervous system and increases the oxidation of fats in the body
    • Stimulates the formation of endorphins
    • Relieves muscle pain
  • Liquorice
    • Improves endurance and resistance of the body to lack of oxygen
    • Has an anti-stress effect
    • It stimulates hematopoiesis and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • Siberian Аir
    • It is a source of phytosterols and testosterone
    • Activates the immune system and coordinates the joint work of the endocrine and nervous systems
    • Normalizes blood composition and blood pressure level
    • It has a potent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect
    • Reduces pain syndrome in case of injuries


Bodyweight up to 85 kg - 1/3 teaspoon

Bodyweight over 85 kg - 1/2 teaspoon each

Dissolve in 0.5 cups of water. Take 15-20 minutes before training


Extracts:Maral Root, Chinese Magnolia Vine, Liquorice, Siberian Fir, Chilli Pepper, Ginkgo Biloba, White Willow, Green Coffee, Green Tea, Eleutherococcus, Maltodextrin.

Storage Conditions:

Store in a cool, dry place out of reach of children. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Shelf life – 12 months.


Экстракт Левзеи сафлоровидной
синтез белка
Экстракт плодов Лимонника китайского
активность нервной системы
Экстракт Элеутерококка
снижает усталость и утомление
Экстракт Зелёного кофе
органические кислоты и витамины
Экстракт Зелёного чая
витамины, минеральные соли, антиоксиданты
Экстракт Белой ивы
нормализует состав крови
Экстракт Гинкго билоба
снабжение мозга кислородом и глюкозой
Экстракт перца Чили
эффективность силовых тренировок
Экстракт Пихты сибирской
фитостерины и тестостерон
Экстракт корня Солодки
антистрессорное действие

Габариты упаковки

150 мм
105 мм
15 мм
60 гр
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