Identify the causes of your body's problems and precisely eliminate them with the help of
Health Concept products
Bioresonance diagnostics of your body
Within 30 minutes
with a full interpretation of the result.
- No queues
- Fast and Accurate
- Suitable for everyone
- For the whole family
The bioresonance diagnostic method allows:
- discover
Your biological age
- to find out
Is your body functioning well?
- to analyze
How efficiently does your body absorb vitamins?
- to identify
Possibility of heavy metal intoxication
- to determine
the well-being of the spinal column.
- to evaluate
The functionality of heart.
- to scan
The functioning of blood vessels and the brain
- to diagnose
Presence of dangerous fungi and parasites.
50+ different parameters are considered in the diagnostics
How your body's vibrational frequencies can indicate a problem?
Each organ or system of the body has a unique vibration frequency
The development of pathologies leads to changes in this frequency
The device clearly detects irregularities in the functioning of organs, and also identifies the presence of parasites in the body, as they too have their own frequency vibrations.
The method of bioresonance diagnostics has its roots in pediatrics
Since young children cannot express the symptoms that trouble them, there was a need for a diagnostic approach capable of identifying pathologies before complications emerge.
Diagnostics allows us to identify predispositions to various diseases or detect them at an early stage
Engaging in preventive medicine now significantly reduces the likelihood of undergoing surgery in the future.
While prevention is essential, it's regrettable that people tend to seek medical attention only when the situation has already deteriorated, and there is significant pain.
of the bioresonance method
- Non-invasive method
The device acts superficially, no intrusion into the body is required
- The results are immediate
Within 30 minutes, you will receive all explanations regarding the diagnostic results.
- There are no contraindications.
The diagnostic method is suitable for everyone without exception.
- Fatigue
- Drowsiness
- Low productivity
These symptoms no longer surprise many,
they have become commonplace for a lot of people.
Price is valid on preorder.
Based on the diagnostic results, we will develop an individual cellular nutrition program for your body.