Health Concept

For Immunity

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A complex of natural vitamins for immunity activates all protective systems of the body, enhances the activity of the immune system, improves digestion, and stimulates brain function.

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For Immunity: Bioactive Complex

Botanical Nano-Extracts Of Medicinal Herbs

Benefits And Proven Effects

  • Echinacea
    • Has powerful immunomodulatory properties and switches the immune system into a highly active mode
    • Has pronounced antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal effect
    • Natural antioxidant, which slows down aging of the organism
  • Thyme
    • Has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect
    • Contains thymoquinone, a strong antiseptic and antimicrobial compound
    • Highly active for the prevention of respiratory diseases
    • Effective for the treatment of chronic fatigue, depression and apathy
    • Supports heart function
  • Schisandra Chinensis
    • Adaptogenic plant, moderately tones up the nervous system and invigorates as a whole
    • Contains vitamins and organic acids, stimulates the immune system
    • Protection for liver cells
    • Reduces the need for food and sleep
  • Lady's Mantle
    • Contains tannins, has astringent and immune-stimulating properties
    • Normalizes blood composition
    • Supports the functioning of the kidneys
  • Chamomile
    • Regulates functioning of the gastro-intestinal tract
    • Relieves spasms and has a choleretic effect
    • Mild sedative and analgesic effect
    • Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic
  • Eleutherococcus
    • An adaptogen, promotes endorphin production, improves mood and emotional state
    • Reduces fatigue and tiredness, increases physical and mental performance
    • Increases concentration and thinking ability
    • Supports the immune system and protects from stress
  • Raspberry (Berries)
    • Contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, antioxidants
    • Increases immunity cell activity
    • Has a warming effect
    • Eliminates toxins from the body
  • Rosehip (Fruit)
    • Contains provitamin A and C, Etc., as well as organic acids
    • Has healing and anti-inflammatory properties
    • Stimulates metabolism and gastrointestinal function
  • Black Currant (Berries)
    • Contains mineral compounds and powerful antioxidants
    • Anti-inflammatory, astringent and antioxidant effect
    • Stimulates metabolism

Directions For Use

Prophylactic: Take ¼ teaspoon 1 time a day for 15 minutes before a meal, wash down with water. When the flu, colds and SARS: ½ teaspoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal, wash down with water.

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool dry place out of reach of children. Avoid direct sunlight. Shelf life: 12 months.


Экстракт Манжетки
нормализует состав крови
Экстракт Ромашки
нормализует работу ЖКТ
Экстракт Элеутерококка
улучшает настроение
Экстракт плодов Малины
активность клеток иммунитета
Экстракт плодов Шиповника
стимулирует обмен веществ
Экстракт плодов Чёрной смородины
минеральные соединения
Экстракт Эхинацеи
мощный иммуномодулятор, антиоксидант
Экстракт Чабреца
противовоспалительное, антисептик, поддерживает сердце
Экстракт плодов Лимонника китайского
адаптоген, повышает иммунитет

Габариты упаковки

150 мм
105 мм
15 мм
60 гр
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